This year we are trying to help you with your holiday goodies. Pre-order your fudge and we will ensure you have it in time for the holidays by downloading a pre-order form, filling it out, and returning it by emailing Amy Lawson at or dropping it off at the school office.



Operation Lucy started in 2020 when a little girl named Lucy used $20 to buy gift baskets and fudge at the Bazaar and gave them to firefighters and police officers. You can be like Lucy by picking up envelopes at the parish center, placing a donation in it, and returning it to the parish center, school office or offertory baskets. You can also fill out this form indicating what you’d like to donate and email it to Teresa Richardson ( or dropping it off at the parish center or school office.


Train enthusiast and YouTube star Chris Raines from RBP trains will be setting up his remarkable train sets up in the Portico. You can check out his fantastic work on his YouTube page.


Food and Luncheon (with carry out)

Face Painting

Silent Auction

Festival of Wreaths

Indoor Flea Market

Gift Shopping Room for Kids

Our Rooms

Christmas Rooms

Specialty Room

Books & Videos

Gifts to Go

Fudge, Cakes & Cookies

Jewelry Boutique

Toys & Stuffed Animals

Religious Articles

Plants & Posies

North Pole Candy

Christmas Raffle

50/50 Raffle with a 1st prize of up to $5,000. There will be a 2nd prize of up to $4,000 and 3rd prize up to $2,000. However, prizes are contingent on ticket sales.

Tickets will be for sale for $10 each or 3/$25 at the bazaar and may also be purchased by contacting the Parish Center at 410-848-4744 or

You can also get your tickets online ( Purchase 1 ticket or 3 tickets).

Drawing is December 17th after the 4:30 p.m. Mass (you do not need to be present to win).


If you are interested in volunteering, making donations, or have questions about the Bazaar, please contact Teresa Richardson at 410-857-9639 or

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